It wasn’t until I was 24 that I finally went to an Internal Medicine Doctor who got me the MRI I needed. They discovered what they deemed, “SI Joint Dysfunction” in my right SI joint. I was then prescribed deep tissue massage and Chiropractic Care, which started to help relieve some of the symptoms a little at a time. To make a long story very short, I finally discovered an Osteopath here in Phoenix, who told me that the accident had compounded years of other minor injuries. Getting to the root of the problem was like unwinding a rubber band ball. Once you get rid of one kink in the ball, you get the next until eventually you’re able to let go of all the strains. This is putting it into very simple terms, but the point being – you have to get to the root cause of any issue to fully heal. There is no bandage, pill or miracle cure that will solve your issues – they will only mask the symptoms.
It was also then that I discovered Dr. Weil and the anti-inflammatory diet. Being mindful of eating more healthfully and listening to what my body needed became imperative to my slow, and not always steady recovery. I also learned of the mind-body connection, and the power that our minds hold. The stories we tell ourselves, the way we manage stress, the trauma we hold in our cells and in our bodies – it all plays a part in our overall health and wellness in ways we don’t even realize! Once I started to let go of the trauma, reduce stress, and listen to my body when it was telling me what it needed, I was able to even further my recovery. It is today at 38 years old, that I can finally say that I live most of my life pain-free and feel the best I’ve felt in years!